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10 Foods to eat on a mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean diet is known for promoting longevity by lowering the risk for several diseases, like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Due to a combination of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, the foods of a Mediterranean diet make it a great diet to follow for preventative health measures. Whether a Registered Dietitian recommended you follow the Mediterranean diet, or you are choosing to follow it based on its amazing long-term health benefits, here are 10 foods to eat (and drink) on a Mediterranean Diet.
how to build the perfect smoothie
Been on Instagram in the past year? I bet you’ve seen 100’s of them — likely 1,000’s. Smoothies. Or smoothie bowls if you’re current on trends. Why have these colorful, gram-worthy beverages taken the digital world by storm? Well, if you’ve seen any of the posts, you know — they’re beautiful. They’re also a vessel for endless combinations of flavors and nutrients — high in fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. When done right, they’re satiating and delicious.
4 ways to reclaim your lunch break and improve your health
Your body’s ability to digest and metabolize food goes well beyond the nutritional breakdown of the food itself. Factors in your control, like the rhythm and frequency at which you eat throughout the day, your relaxation or stress level, the quality of your food, and the pleasure you find in meals all play a large role in your health.
the power of snacks
Eating throughout the day is crucial, and it begins within an hour of waking. Then every 3-4 hours. That’s where snacks come in. Depending on the number of hours you’re awake, an ideal day may include breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner. If your days are long, you may find a post-dinner snack to be helpful. Read on to see how snacks can help you reach your health goals.
ingredient highlight: persimmon
The two most popular types of persimmon are Hachiya and Fuyu. Hachiya persimmons look elongated and need some time to ripen and become soft before they are edible. Contrarily, Fuyu persimmons have a squat shape and are more rounded (like a tomato or a mini pumpkin). When ripened and ready to eat, the texture of Fuyu persimmons is more firm than Hachiya persimmons.
mindful eating: making peace with yourself and food
You may have heard or read the term “mindful eating”. But, what does it really mean? Well, I’ll tell you one thing – it isn’t another restrictive diet. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Mindful eating allows you to have a peaceful relationship with what’s on your plate. It’s a liberating and empowering way to listen to your body and individual needs. Dive into this post to learn more and feel free to try the mindful eating activity at the end!
how to create a healthy mediterranean diet plate
The Mediterranean diet is known for providing preventative health properties like lowering cardiovascular disease and diabetes risk. It also reduces blood pressure, improves brain health, and promotes longevity! This post will provide you with ideas for how to build a healthy Mediterranean plate.
ingredient highlight: figs
They pair so nicely with many other foods I enjoy, like cheese, prosciutto, chocolate, and chia pudding. They’re also great on a snack board and served with wine or eaten alone. In my opinion, you really can’t go wrong with a juicy and sweet fresh, in-season fig. And, best of all, they’re a nutrient powerhouse!
what you eat series: breakfast
I often write about how you eat. But today’s post is a bit different – it’s going to focus on what you eat. It’s the start of the What You Eat series; a collection of posts to show you healthy eating can be practical, simple, and delicious. Today, we’ll kick off the series with breakfast – the most important meal of the day.
intuitive eating: what it is and what it isn't
If you’ve been following the buzz around diet culture lately you’re sure to have seen what appears to be a new approach to diet and consumption. Intuitive eating.
6 proven health benefits of extra virgin olive oil
Olive oil has been used for centuries by Mediterranean civilizations, namely the Romans and the Greeks. It’s also an everyday ingredient that you can likely find in your kitchen cabinet. And that’s great! Because olive oil, particularly extra virgin olive oil, has substantial health benefits. It’s rich in polyphenols, antioxidants, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties.
do multivitamins really improve your health?
Often times we’re looking for a quick fix, or that one pill, that will solve all our health problems. You know — the latest fad diet, a meal replacement, or a powerful vitamin that’ll heal you from the inside out. We’ve heard it all. But let’s start with one simple question – do you even need a multivitamin?
eating alone?
Generally, we’re so concerned with ‘what’s for dinner?’ when we’re planning to feed others, eat with friends or dine out but what happens when we only have one mouth to feed – our own?